"We think in generalities, but we live in detail."

The guestbook

We made our guestbook using our engagement photos and printed it at MyPublisher (www.mypublisher.com).  Our guests loved it, and now we have a great coffee table book filled with all of their comments - so much better than just a list of names in a book that would be thrown in a box in the attic somewhere.

Yummy mini fruit sorbets

These things = awesomeness.  I found them on my wedding planner's blog (www.treschiceventplanning.com)sometime last year, and decided that I just had to have them.  I'm really glad that I finally talked Joe into it (they were actually quite ridiculously expensive for being so small), because our guests LOVED them.  We served mini strawberry, raspberry, and lemon sorbets as an intermezzo course.  Yum!

Champagne garnishes

We ordered hibiscus flowers in syrup to use as garnishes for our passed champagne.  Yummy yummy yummy. This was actually our most requested drink at the reception - so requested, in fact, that we went through THREE cases of champagne just during the cocktail hour.   And all you knotties said these were silly and a waste of money.... ;)


Following P&E's advice, we went with edible favors - truffles from Neuhaus.  We gave each guest four different truffles, and alternated boxes of primarily milk or primarily dark chocolates (most of our guests came as a couple, so our plan was that each couple would get to try all eight truffles) at each seat.  These were also a big hit - so big in fact that people were "fighting" over them at the end of the night.  Favors left on the table?  Not at our reception...  ;)

Bouquet charm

My grandmother passed away in December, and I wanted some way to incorporate her memory into the wedding without turning the event into a wake.  I found this vintage locket on eBay, filled it with four different pictures of my grandmother, me, and grandma & me together, and my florist wrapped it into the stem for me so I could have a small part of her with me all day.


Just a quick non-pro pic of all our rings

Taken at the Mango Tree in Stonefield Villa Estates, St. Lucia


Joe ordered monogrammed cufflinks for his groomsmen from Aerabella's Boutique - they were fabulous.  We ordered them about 3 weeks before the wedding (Joe is quite the procrastinator), and they arrived right on time.  They even gave us a discount because we needed 7 pairs.  Great quality and great price for sterling silver monogrammed cufflinks. 

Toasting flutes (Vera Wang Love Knots)